The average house price on WOODLAND CHASE is £435,016
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WOODLAND CHASE with an estimated value of £479,214
The cheapest house in the street is 2 WOODLAND CHASE with an estimated value of £394,677
The house which was most recently sold was 3 WOODLAND CHASE, this sold on 28 Jul 2023 for £451,000
The postcode for WOODLAND CHASE is LS14 1FS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 128 m2 £479,214 £394,950 27 Mar 2020
1 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 128 m2 £479,214 £394,950 27 Mar 2020
2 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 106 m2 £394,677 £329,950 25 Sep 2020
3 WOODLAND CHASE Detached £451,000 28 Jul 2023
4 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 106 m2 £394,677 £329,950 18 Sep 2020
6 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 118 m2 £428,169 £357,950 15 Sep 2020
8 WOODLAND CHASE Detached , 120 m2 £434,150 £362,950 18 Sep 2020